DesignRush has listed 50Bubbles among top 10 SEO Agencies in Ohio. DesignRush is a B2B Marketplace for Finding Agencies. We're happy to be recognized.
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If you Google "Web Design Dayton Ohio" you get presented a ton of choices. Are you really any further along in your quest than before you started? Well, I guess you have some companies to pick from and most can show you a gallery of sites they've done but beyond that, what should you be getting with web design?
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Why Clone Your Website? Because what's on the back-end might be a dog. There are a number of reasons you might consider upgrading your site without going though a complete redesign.
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It's a very common thing to want to do in the new year. Part of getting your business goals moving forward is to upgrade your website. There are many reasons to do this and even as I write this I'm considering doing the same for my own site. BUT BEWARE!
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One of the best reasons for using a boxed website design is judicious use of the margins. As monitors get wider, the websites get fancier, the trend is to fill up the space with content and graphics. You may be doing yourself a disservice.
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I don't mind saying it... if you want a site designed in Wordpress, go somewhere else. My clients do NOT find it easy to maintain, add/edit/delete pages, add video, etc. But worse, every wannabe web designer is using WordPress because they have a very low cost entry into that market. BUT, I don't think most website owners understand the risk they take when building a website with a buddy they know that knows computers really well... There's more too it than that!
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